
What happens if I feed my sourdough starter with self-rising flour?

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Does this kind of flour have yeast in it? And if so, that will kill my starter right? What can I do to save it (it has been alive since 1917)?




  1. You will get reeeeeeeealy big dough!!!!  Self rising flour has baking powder in it.

  2. You'll get a load of Dough, but it will not nessecarily kill your starter you wiill just have more, as selfrising flour has baking powder in it, but only slightly

    if your starte has been made since 1917 it's probably out of date by

  3. The extra ingredients in a self rising flour with lower the pH of your starter.  That is bad.  You need a specific acid pH for the yeasty beasties to live and grow.  If that changes, you run the risk of your culture no longer being a healthy environment.

    Best thing to do is never run out of unbleached all purpose flour.  It is even better to use organic unbleached all purpose flour.

    If you already did the nasty deed of using SR flour.. keep your starter out on the counter and the next feeding.. give it the unbleached all purpose.  Continue doing that for a couple feedings before you put it away in the frig.  You need to re-establish the environment you once had.  The bacteria have a job to do now... you made it a little harder for them this time.  Hopefully lesson learned.

    In making bread you can use self rising flour, cuz you aren't trying to establish an environment to live and breed in.  The culture is its own eco-system.  Hope this helps.

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