
What happens if I finish my pre pharm courses and then decide not to go to pharm school?

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I know there is not really a "pre-pharm" major, it's more of just a list of pre reqs you have to take in order to get into pharmacy school...but what happens if i take all the needed courses then decide not to go to pharmacy school or can't get in? Is it a waste of 2 years? Or can I do something with it?




  1. A lot of kids who are prepharm are chemistry majors, or biology majors. So you can do the same things that those kids do. But you can really major in any subject you want, as long as you do your prepharm courses. So there is really no limit to what you can do....

    It is wise to be thinking of alternatives, though, because pharm school is getting REALLY hard to get into.  

  2. You just wasted 2 years if your time

  3. You can pursue a chem, medicinal chem, or bio degree depending on your curriculum. You can do various things with all.

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