
What happens if I marry a korean women?

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Let's say, I marry in South Korea. Does my wife become an American citizen? But what if I would rather be a South Korean citizen? Is it possible for me to become a permanent korean resident once we marry?




  1. The government of the Republic of Korea does not permit dual citizenship after the age of 21. Foreign citizens of Korean descent who hold dual citizenship under South Korean law and work or study in South Korea are usually compelled by the Republic of Korea to choose one or the other nationality soon after reaching that age.

    In addition, South Korean men over the age of 18, including foreign citizens of Korean descent, are subject to compulsory military service. A dual national may not be allowed to abandon his Republic of Korea nationality until he finishes his military service, or has received a special exemption from military service. In some cases, men of South Korean descent visiting from overseas have been forcibly drafted upon visiting the country, despite having never been there before and not having Korean citizenship

    you spouse will be able to get US citizenship after she enters the US as ypur spouse , trough the proper channels ,

    get a green car then,

    General Naturalization Requirements:

    Residence and Physical Presence

    An applicant is eligible to file if, immediately preceding the filing of the application, he or she:

    has been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (see preceding section);

    has resided continuously as a lawful permanent resident in the U.S. for at least 5 years prior to filing with no single absence from the United States of more than one year;

    has been physically present in the United States for at least 30 months out of the previous five years (absences of more than six months but less than one year shall disrupt the applicant's continuity of residence unless the applicant can establish that he or she did not abandon his or her residence during such period)

    has resided within a state or district for at least three months

    read the rest at this page from USCIS:

  2. b

  3. You will have a lot of relatives living with you. You may end up working in a 7/11.

  4. It is  a long process to get her into the U.S. She does not become a citizen because you are married. You can become a resident of Korea, but that takes time too.

  5. She can become a U.S. Citizen, not sure what S. Korean citizenship requirements are!

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