
What happens if I pass a toll in NYC without paying?

by  |  earlier

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When I was a lad (early 90's in NYC), my grandfather used to pull to the side of tolls and get through without paying. I still see people doing this.

I'm pretty sure this isn't allowed but whats the penalty if caught?




  1. My friend, if you're caught pass a toll gate without paying, you're car's license plate is recorded on camera and you will get a letter in the mail, with a ticket attached, inform you that pass a toll gate with payment. The ticket varies depending on what toll gate you passed.

    Good luck

  2. you do get caught and end up paying a huge fine for what would ahve been a small toll......btw, that metallica song sucks--they lost it

  3. What happens if I pass a toll in NYC without paying?

    - A photo of the car will be taken and sent to the address on the registration.

    -If it is a rental, the rental company will have the info forwarded to you once the get it. I had this happen to me but I was not the driver. The person who rented the car before me did it and stupid ENTERPRISE messed up and told them I was he driver. I was able to show my rental agreement which showed I rented the car 12 hours after the incident and it was thrown out.

    I'm told if the lane has EZ-Pass and you run it, they'll go after you more than if it was a lane without.

  4. those effers catch you

    i got a lettter 6i months later

    for a HUGE fine and a warrant for my arrest

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