
What happens if I take 2 Accutane pills in one day?

by Guest66924  |  earlier

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I was just wondering...what happens if i take 2 accutane pills in one day? because i cant remember if i took it for today yet, and i dont want to skip a day, or i dont want to take 2 pills in one day and like overdose and die or something. However, i am almost positive i did forget today after recalling what i all did today, but i am still scared...

is it really bad if u take 2 in one day?

Accutane users please help. Thanks.




  1. my brothers were both on accutane, they were prescribed and took 2 day except for the weekends or something like that. It won't kill you.

  2. don't take 2. Read the package insert. Accutane is a great product but should be taken responsibly.

  3. you will explode!

  4. It's not a big deal, a lot of people are prescribed two twice a day. When I took it it was one one day and two the next. You'll be fine.

  5. 2 pills isn't very much at all and most people get prescribed that normally anyway (just because one person is prescribed it doesn't mean its a good dose for another person)

    You'll probably notice that you lips will be drier and maybe your nose.


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