
What happens if I take a temporary leave of absence from work and decide not to come back?

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  1. Most employers will not grant you a leave of absence just because you want one.

  2. Taking  a temp leave of absence is fine, if your employer approves it.  Usually it is only for a certain period of time however.  If you decide you are not going to go back, it is best to let them know that as soon as you find that out; if you leave without telling them, then you have your reputation to worry about.

    My Best,

    Michael Grant

    find a career – find an employee

  3. You just don't go back. No on can force you. Out of courtesy, though, you should let your former supervisor know, preferably in person.

  4. If you worked for me I would look at your tenure with the company as well as your work history.  I have never and would advise you to NEVER quit a job unless you had another to go to.  I can not understand why so many people move around from job to job.  One should know that the longer one stays with a company the better off one is.  The harder one works and the busier one stays the faster one will get ahead.  Those are the people I promoted when I had a business.  

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