
What happens if I wear a regular contact lens instead of a Toric lens?

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I recently went in to get contacts for the first time and was told I would need a toric lens for my left eye because of a slight astigmatism. So I was given a toric lens for my left eye and a regular lens for my right eye. A week later I could see just fine with my right eye and still blurry in the eye with the toric lens. So I went back and was re-examined, and given a different toric lens to try. Still blurry in that eye. The problem is every time I blink or get up and move around the lens shifts or something and distorts my vision very badly. The question is, what would happen if I just used a regular lens instead of a toric lens. Seeing as how my glasses never corrected for my astigmatism and I could see just fine would the same be true for contacts or would it not work seeing as how the contact actually rests on the eye? Thanks




  1. The toric lens is for astigmatism, which basically means that your eye is shaped differently. Think football instead of golfball. Toric lenses are shaped to accomodate that. If your contact is moving when you blink, then you should talk to your dr about the degree marker. Different contact brands have a little line on them that assure you are putting the contact on at the correct degree.  If you wear a regular lens instead of the toric, you may not have as good vision, and may be uncomfortable. Sometimes it takes a few tries to find the right fit, so stick with it.

    Also, good news. I used to wear a toric lens in one eye, then one day, I didn't have to. The contact lens adjusted for that and corrected it and I was able to get a regular lens! Hope that happens for you!

  2. in theory your vision in the astigmatism eye wouldnt be as sharp as it could be.  thats pretty much it.  no danger or anything.  but if you've having that much trouble with the toric lens, it may be ok if you dont wear a toric in that eye.  ask your eye doc if thats ok for you.  people do it all the time.  i call it "masking" astigmatism or sometimes using the "spherical equivalent".

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