
What happens if Obama is elected President?

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He is a smoker, cigarettes cause cancer, and even death. The Secret Service is responsible for protecting the life of the President. Will the SS thwack the cigarette from his mouth when he lights up?




  1. I don't believe I would want to be the agent who smacks any-

    thing about the President..Old age causes death too, would you think the agents should tear up all the calendars?  Come

    on, get real!

  2. Higher taxes (followed by lower tax receipts), more Congressional spending, no nuclear power, no extra refining capacity, no drilling for oil on American soil, no exploration. etc..........

    The upside is that he will provide universal (free) healthcare for 15 million illegals (with our tax money).  Nice, right?

    Say hello to enormous deficits.

    What a guy.

  3. McCain is probably healthier then Obama with all that gunk in his lungs from smoking cigs and pot... not to mention the lining of his heart valves worn thin due to his self proclaimed coke use.

  4. Hi smoking is the least of our problems if he is elected. Do some research on what he has written in his books. He is the most liberal senator in history and the most extreme liberal in history.

  5. Uh Oh

  6. Poor effort.

    EDIT: I think he might do something about that huge amount of debt Bush racked up. Start less wars. Withdraw from Iraq which is costing the country trillions. Good things.

  7. I hope he sticks a whole pack in his mouth at one time and lights it. Then blows the smoke in Rosie O'donnel's face, ala Morton Downey Jr. Talk about irony, huh? Old Mort died of lung cancer, the old obnoxious smoke puffing b*****d.

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