
What happens if a breather pipe (or vent) is not provided when installing a water-closet?

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Will the bowl drain very slowly, or not at all?




  1. More than likely it was tied into an existing  line which probably is vented.  More than one item can be vented with a single vent pipe.

    If it is flushing properly, chances are it is vented.

  2. Toilet won't flush properly

  3. It dies and starts to smell

  4. you won't be able to flush.  Its almost impossible that you ask this question, unless you were the person that installed the water-closet and didn't put a breather pipe in.  If its the case of a plumber, I would take the plumber to court and make them do it.  They know better.

  5. Your toilet won't flush properly, your sinks, tubs and showers won't drain properly, and sewer gas could vent into the inside of the house.

  6. When flushed, the toilet will seek air to drain properly. If there is no ventpipe, it will suck the water out of other fixture traps and allow sewer gas to enter the house.

  7. If ever you visit Europe, and Britain particularly, you will find that their plumbing is typically not adequately vented. Flush the toilet and hear the sink gurgling.

    Proper venting is actually very important, if you have the above situation where a toilet flush sucks the water out of the traps on other fixtures, you're allowing sewer gas to come into your home and along with it, microbes and disease.

    Don't mess around, get a real plumber to do this job and make sure that there is adequate venting for the waste line to meet code and operate efficiently and safely.

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