
What happens if a country attacks Switzerland?

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What happens if a country attacks Switzerland?




  1. well since they hold the gold reserves in underground vaults for many of the worlds richest and most influential people, and several small countries, I suspect they would have a lot of friends show up to help.

  2. I doubt that Switzerland would be attacked unless it was by France, Austria, Germany or Italy (countries that surround Switzerland), who are all members of the EU anyway. Are you asking what would happen if Switzerland was attacked by the EU? I guess it would mean that they would have to integrate their, economy and military with the growing European superstate. I think Switzerland would loose a lot of business and much of their sovereignty if this were to happen.

  3. yeah, just because their neutral doesn't mean they can't fight, they have a great airforce and defenses.  plus they're totally surrounded by mountains making any sort of land invasion incredibly hard.  Plus they have it set up to collapse all of the train tunnels in through the mountains in case of war... and don't forget swiss army knives... I bet they keep the ones with the rocket launchers and chain saws on them just for their army.

  4. Switzerland has its own armed forces and they are pretty formidable and the us will back switzerland right after the first attack

  5. i would think that since Switzerland is a neutral country if any other country attacked it ..there will be a swarm of countries defending switzerland

  6. They will freeze all your politician's secret bank accounts!

  7. Land forces attacking Switzerland would have to negotiate high mountain passes where a grandmother with a handful of rocks could hold off a motorized division. And half the houses in Switzerland have a fully automatic assault rifle in them (the kind you'd be arrested for having in the US). Tunnels contain tank traps, and there's an extensive civil preparedness program with bomb shelters universally at hand.

    An invading force would probably attack during off hours, when the Swiss Air Force isn't open for business, but they do have a small force of F-18's with upgraded home-grown Honeywell avionics packages.

    But most importantly, there's nothing much to tempt an invasion, and the leader of a potential invading country would have to worry about the disruption of his bank accounts.

  8. Presumably a war? Really depends on who. I wouldn't take the Swiss lightly, they're pretty heavily armed.

  9. The Military of Switzerland, literally composed of every adult of proper age in the country would repel the invading force. Just because Switzerland doesn't fight other European wars doesn't man it doesn't have an army.

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