
What happens if a person is always looking toward heaven and the afterlife?

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One of the things I fault in my prior religion was the tendacy of its members to always be looking forward to the afterlife instead of living this life.

The past is an illusion and the future is a distraction.

So what happens when people always look forward to the end of things?




  1. "Promises of things to come" is from those who don't know how to use religion to improve a person's life. So the only way they can keep followers is to make promises.

    Jesus preached: You will know them by their fruits." So no one should be foolish enough to follow promises. We should only accept an abundant life right now. If the teacher cannot deliver, time to go somewhere else.

    The Original Gospel was about RESULTS and not about promises. More on my bio.

    So people who are looking to the afterlife are just going to continue to suffer until they demand and find "Good Fruits"

  2. The journey is what is important.  Setting your sights too firmly on any goal is to miss out on what happens along the way.

    This is true regardless of religious viewpoint.

  3. Some think, they skip whats important, right here, right now.

  4. They are obviously not satisfied with their lot here on Earth and rather than making life better for themselves and those around them the prefer to live to die. Incorrectly believing that death will transport them to a utopia in the sky.

  5. They waste their entire life living in a delusion.

  6. People can be so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.  I have a brother in law who is like that.  Sometimes I want to give him a good swift kick in the rear - to get him to do something -- anything!

    St. Iraeneus of Lyons said, "The glory of God is man fully alive."  I think we should live our lives as fully as we are able, using every gift, talent, ability, skill, etc., that we have, feeling every emotion, experiencing as many things as possible, working and playing as hard as we can, fully enjoying the fruits of our labors, etc.  

    The Switchfoot song, "Dare You to Move" comes to mind.

    God did not create us to sit around doing nothing, waiting to die so we can go to heaven.

  7. They miss all the beauty, joy and wonder of life.

  8. It is a good idea for the preparation of the future life is in this life, but to go a right way is a challenge.As Jesus say the misery of human is that they do not remember God enough.

  9. We live in the here and now.  Ignore that, and you miss out on what life has to offer.

  10. well i'm one of those people, the afterlife is what lasts forever, our lives in this lifetime is only like a vapor that can end any minute. i like the idea that i will be secured with a Father who loved me always. so i mean there is nothing wrong with looking forward to the afterlife. and what do you mean what happens? we just get excited, that's all. life on earth its like a big classroom with many tests to take.  to be honest i really dont care much about this life that's filled with all kinds of stupidity (for example, the War and gas prices), which is why i beg for Jesus to just come take us now.

  11. They will be terribly disappointed

  12. Speaking as a Christian, I do from time to time think about my afterlife but it's not an obsession by any means. Jesus taught in Scripture------

       Matthew 6:34   "“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

      That is what I live by, one day at a time. Although I think of the future from time to time, I live in the now all the time.

  13. they miss out on a lot of living

  14. I find having your mind on heaven makes you more active in life!

    It's not christians on drugs and drink escaping reality!

  15. They totally miss out on life, and then they are up for a big disappointment. What a waste.

  16. It helps them overlook their own mental deficiencies.

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