
What happens if a snooker is impossible to escape from?

by  |  earlier

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Snooker question.

A deliberate foul is 7 away, and couldn't the opponent have the balls replaced and put the player in again indefinitely?




  1. who ever did the snookering made a really good shot   ; )

  2. just play it

  3. on most occasions the referree will call a foul and a miss, but if it has been agreed that it is impossible to escape the snooker the player has still to try to the best of his ability to escape the snooker the foul is then awarded and play continues without the miss - that is in snooker

  4. You must play it some way which, if it is truly impossible will create a foul that will be handled the same as any other scratch. However, while creating a foul regardless of what you do, you can consider hitting any ball any way you want in order to play the balls so that this impossible snooker is not available for your opponent to leave you so tough a second time.

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