
What happens if a store accidentally sells an expired good?

by Guest61992  |  earlier

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I am cashier at local grocery store. A customer came in and bought a muffin. She later came back with half of it eaten and there was mold on it! I refunded her money and appologized several times.

I'm not at fault here but she had me write down a note of the incident and i gave her my boss's company email addy.

I'm curious as to what will happen after she reports the store.




  1. Thank you for your Question, An answer is on the way.

  2. I don't know....but if you purchase an item and the item is mis-priced, by law you are entitled to 3 times the amount. I know groceries store adhere to such a law

  3. If i owned a store and some bought a muffin and it was expired and they came back and told me its old i will tell thm i am so sorry

  4. Nothing will happen.  You made it good to here and thats all a reasonable person needs.

  5. There is no law that says food must be sold by the "sold by" date.  A good place just wont do it.  She will probably try to extort some money from the store you work in.  If she gets sick, I suppose it is possible that she could get some damages (medical bills, pain and suffering, etc), as the store is responsible if they sell food that makes people sick.  But if she didnt get sick, she wont have much chance in court.  Of course, since you wrote down the incident on paper, I would say that when she tries to get money from your Boss, that the boss very well might fire you.  You probably should not have done that.  Refunding the $$, giving the Managers contact information, and apologizing would have been enough.

  6. Unless it makes her ill, not a whole heck of a lot is going to come of this.

    The only thing I would have done differently is I would have gotten a manager right away to refund her money and write up the incident report.  You may have overstepped your boundaries as a cahier (not trying to knock your position, but in a case like this, management should definitely be involved).

    She may have just done what she did as a scare tactic, or she could be one of those types that takes it as far as she can go with it.  Either way, if you haven't already, I would go to your direct supervisor/manager and let them know the situation and what you did.  Diffuse it before it comes out of the blue.

    Btw...kudos for apologizing to her!

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