
What happens if at the end of the nascar season the points is tied and wat if two cars cross the finish at...

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the same time(0.000) difference




  1. That probably wouldn't happen. But if it did, they'd probably give the win/championship to both of the drivers.

  2. the race would never come down to a finish like that, its 99.999999999999999% impossible

    but!  if two drivers did end the season with a tie in points they go back to who has the most wins then the most top 5's then the most top tens' and then the most laps led

    but for your exact question?

    who gets the win

    no one knows because that race will never happen

    theres is nuthing in any racing rule book that ive ever had to read that has a was of determining who wins if the cars cross the line at the exact same time

  3. Smack got it. Except I don't think they go off poles, but I could be wrong. I mean what the heck do I know, I am a supposed to be a toothless, beer drinking drunk redneck. LOL

  4. Having a tie in a race is as close to impossible as it will get, with electronic scoring and timing.

    As to having a tie in points. Just look at a few years ago when Biffle and Edwards tied for second in points.

    There is already a system in place to break all ties.

    It goes to the number of wins, then 2nd, 3rd, etc. until the tie is broken.

    That is why Biffle is officially credited with second in points, he had more wins that year.

  5. It would be judged as points, wins, top 5, top 10, they do not count pole starts.

  6. Aaah, man, that was NASCAR's idea for this year...   NASCAR, WWF copycats...

  7. Then they go to who has more wins, then more top 5's then top ten, then poles I think.

  8. Godsmack is mostly right.  I think they might go off of wins, then 2nd place finishes, 3rd place, etc. instead of top 5's and 10's and down the line like that, though I'm not 100% sure.

  9. Do you realize the chances of that actually happen?

    It's so unlikely, I highly doubt they've even thought about it.

  10. WAKE UP

  11. They will go with the driver who has more wins in that season.

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