
What happens if clonazepam and marijuana are mixed?

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What happens if clonazepam and marijuana are mixed?




  1. you're fine. nothing chemically will hurt you by the combo but klonopin will knock u out if you aren't used to it. It will know u out either way, actually. stop experimenting, please.

  2. Nice.  Ultra relaxation b/c of synergistic effect.  Zzzzzzz...

  3. Probably something bad.  

    Why are you smoking marijuana anyway?  Some people claim that it isn't a drug and that it does some good.  But there is enough evidence to show that it does harm that doesn't out weigh the good.

    And where are you getting the clonazepam?  From a doctor?  Why don't you ask him or her?  Or are you afraid of what they might say?  In large enough doses, clonazepam can become addictive.  And it doesn't give that great of a buzz.  I know because I  take it, under doctor's supervision, for my anxiety disorder that accompanies my bipolar condition.

    Hey, look, I don't want to lay a guilt trip on you or cause you to loose your buzz.  But if you are concerned enough to worry about what certain drugs will do to you, there is probably a part of you that knows what is right.

    If you really feel that you have a serious problem, get professional help and don't expect the internet to give you all the answers.

    God bless.  

  4. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  5. They both have a sedating quality to them, I would guess a good nites sleep.

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