
What happens if i fail flight school or submarine school?

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If i was to get a commission in the navy and was accepted into flight school or the nuclear school for submarines and i fail it, what happens ot me then. do i get to request a different branch or do they jsut put me wherever they want. where are they most likely to put me?

what about the marines or air force, if i fail flight school what would happen?




  1. They punishment for failure is death!!  Just kidding, they will probably put you in a different branch of their choosing.

  2. If your smart enough to get through college and can manage your time, then you shouldn't fail out.

  3. You can't fly your submarine.

  4. You will be redesignated based on the needs of the Navy.  You may get a little input, but it will largely be out of your hands.  You may be designated as a SWO, or in a RL community.  I have a friend who recently failed out of Power School (submarines); he was redesginated as a SWO - Engineering Duty Officer option.

  5. If you fail out of any school the military can and will reassign you to another school so they put you where they want you and the service does not matter.

  6. you will be sent elsewhere..most likely SWO.  if you are prior enlisted, another option is to do your payback time back in your old rate.  

    if you are found NPQ'd, you may get to choose from another URL or be shuffled into RL..Intel, IWO,Supply, METOC.  

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