
What happens if i leave the state w.o my parents finding out?

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i was to run away with my boyfriend to another state but im only 15. we have been together for 2 years but my parents dont like him at all and never let me go anywhere because they think im gonna go see him && i cant even talk 2 him on the phone because my dad records everyphone conversation..

we live in ri.

wat would happend if we left the state? were both 15

we already have a place to go to.

we cant leave the courty?

wat would happen if we did run away & got caught?




  1. You will prove that you can't be trusted, you'll be brought back, probably by the police. You;ll flunk high svhool, you'll have no career, you'll probably get pregnant and you'll feel like your in jail the rest of your life. What kind of job do you think you'll get at 15 without even a hs diploma. This is a very very bad plan.

  2. You will be classified as runaways.  Any one who helps you will be charged with aiding a runaway.  You will possibly be placed in a juvenile detention center until your parents decide whether or not to take you back home.

    It is clear that you have given your parents cause not to trust you.  At 15 you are causing them pain and concern and thinking only of yourself.  Good or bad your boyfriend will have more trouble than you because he will be blamed for encouraging this.

    Go to school, do homework, and stay out of trouble.  If you two truly want to be together breaking the law isn't the way.  Three years seems like an eternity now but it really isn't that long.  Then you can get out on your own.  And pay your own way.

  3. If you run away together, nothing is likely to happen to you; however, your boyfriend is another matter.

    There are several state statutes he is likely to be charged with, whether they catch you or in absentia (with him absent).  Federally, he could be charged with the Mann Act ("For all its high-minded claims, the most common use of the Mann Act was to prosecute men for having s*x with underage women."  When, NOT IF, he is convicted, he will be required to register for life, provided of course he does not serve a life sentence.

    These are just the facts--not opinion, not intended to scare you (-although they should).  but, if it isn't what you want to hear to support what you want to do, go ahead and listen to those who will tell you what you want to hear.  Just do a favor and report back when what I have shared happens, so some other poor slob's life can be saved.

  4. You don't want to hear this, but any boy who would take you out of the state is not one who can make wise decisions.

    It's illegal for you to do this anyway.  You can't leave the country without a passport.

    You could both be sent to reform school, then you wouldn't see each other at all.

  5. this is funny run away u and yur bf lol well if yall did get caught the police will bring u back home and all joke aside u and him 15 i guess u like him and he like need to run away just play it cool see him on the down low and keep yur father happy make him think u dont talk to him no more and tell yur bf the same thing it like a game

  6. Ok honey please listen to me I'm a keep it REAL for ya.

    My 15 yr old neice ran away in May from Cleveland to Chicago

    They brought her back,didn't take her to jail but now if she REALLY

    gets KIDNAPPED or goes missing then the cops won't take it serious at all.

    You need to think about this.

    You're 15 still have so many things ahead of you

    Im going to pray for you

  7. You know, when I was 15, I thought of running away, too.  Different situation, though.  I had it all planned out.  And I was an all-A student, so I was pretty confident that I had it all figured out.

    Knowing what I know now, it was probably the worst idea I ever had.  Seriously.  Think about it-- you're going to sever a 15-year relationship in favor of a 2-year relationship?  They took care of you for 15 years and now you're going to just break their hearts like that?  It's cold, and I don't think you've thought through all of the consequences.  There's no way that you could, you're a kid with no experience-- and that's not a put-down; that's just the way life is.

    This may be the first guy you've felt so strongly about, but it won't be the last-- not by far.  Get some perspective.  There's usually a good reason when your parents don't like the guy you're dating-- they see something you don't.

    By the way, at 15 running away-- little money, little experience, and no safety net-- a lot worse things can happen to you than getting caught.

  8. You would get yourself into a lot of trouble.  DON'T DO IT!

  9. You two are just moving WAY too fast.  15 year olds have no business taking relationships so seriously.  You are trying to be adults and your brains aren't even fully grown yet.  Why don't you slow down, agree to not see eachother for awhile and see if there is really something between you.  Do what really matters right now, get your academic life under control and practice the organizational skills necessary to be an adult, through your academics.  If you want to live a life of menial labor jobs and more babies than you can afford, go for it, but your parents have failed miserably in bringing you up and are trying far too late to roll back the train.  I wish you luck, and hope you don't do something stupid.

  10. Stop. You both are going to cause more problems than it's worth. Think about how it is right now. If you leave, it's going to get worse.

    You're 15, what are going to do with your lives? Pay for food? Rent? Clothing? What about school?

    If this is for real, that you are 15 and not phishing, then think about this:

    it's only Romeo and Juliet love right now. For just right now. In about 6 months you'll get over it and move on. So will he. For now, it's far more attractive to you both because the adults have said, "no."

    If you run and get caught, the grown ups helping you can go to jail. If you run and get caught you and your b.f. could end up in jail. Is this what you want? Chances are, you're just doing all of this to p**s your parents off.

    What is it about this boy that makes you want to risk everything you have? Is he really worth all this trouble?

    Why don't your parents like him? Really?

    Are you having s*x? Doing drugs? Drinking? What's really going on?

    Be honest with yourself. There's a really good reason why your parents are freaking out. It's probably to protect you, and because they love you.

    Think about what you are doing. This boy is for right now. In a short time, he'll be gone and there will be a better and new boy. You're only 15. There's plenty of time to be serious with boys later on.

    Take a break, and calm down. Be 15. Stay home. Don't be stupid. Get some counseling and talk to someone. Please.

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