
What happens if i open alot of firecrackers and poor all of the powder in an aluminum can, pack it tightly,?

by  |  earlier

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then run a fuse to it and seal it real tight? Would it be a huge firecracker? In theory i think it will work, but ive heard elsewise.




  1. Not a real good idea, but if you are going to do it don't use a metal container because of the shrapnel that could go flying everywhere. Use cardboard or something similar.

  2. That is illegal. Misuse of explosives. It'd be similar to building a bomb.

  3. a whole lot of fun

  4. The problem is that the very act of packing it could cause it to explode. When I was a kid, friend of mine decided to make a similar experiment by gathering the powder from caps embedded in paper manufactured for cap pistols. It exploded in his face and sort of burned his face and eyes. I wasn't there and only saw the results some time later. Not pretty. Also, ATF does not look lightly upon this sort of thing and there is good reason why this activity is regulated. I suggest you ask this question several other times to get more opinions.

  5. Not worth the risk. Don't do it. Or just ask a science teacher at school.

  6. Sounds like fun :) I doubt you'd be able to pack it tightly enough to make the super fire cracker (M-1000?) you've designed. It will likely just burn very brightly and quickly. Be very careful packing the powder ... I'd hate for you to find out that you were right by having it blow up in your hands.

    Just my 2 cents

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