
What happens if i smoke these herbs?

by  |  earlier

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If i mixed them with tobacco Thyme, Basil, Oregano, Majoran?? something like that. Would i get any slight effect? I know i know its not the same as the good old green, it wont have an adverse effect will it? If i smoked it what would it do anyone have any pass experiences?




  1. You wind up having bad lungs

  2. it'd probably just burn.

    go get some nice mary jane, or some sally d.

  3. carries some legal smoking mixtures,but Id sugest some valerian extract orally if ya need a tranquilizer effect.OPr 5-HTP,tryptophan;Kava ext was my favorite til they took it off mkt,saying a few had rare liver failure from it,while polanesians have used it for thousands of yrs.Also see ,life extension,then category,stress,and depression

  4. If you want to smoke those I'd imagine you've already been smoking something.

  5. Why mix all those with tobacco? I imagine the smoke would be harsh man!

  6. That would taste nasty and burn your throat something fierce, if you wanna get high you know what to do.

  7. your not gonna get high at all and its gonna burn your throat you might feel a little buzz but that would just be from inhaling the smoke i would just stick to the good old maryjane

  8. you will die

  9. sounds cool, try it and tell me what happens!

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