
What happens if my friend cuts his mole?

by  |  earlier

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my friend has a mole and its not cancerous, but he wanted to know what would happen if he cut it off with scissors




  1. Quit being such a cheap *** and go to the doctor to get that taken care of by the way you may have just made it cancerous

  2. it will bleed and OUCH!

  3. It will grow back. He'll have to get it professionally removed if he wants it gone.  

  4. A whole lot of bleeding would happen.

    If he wants it removed then he needs it done professionally.

  5. It would be very painful and bleed alot, apart form that nothing.. When the cut would heal it would have a scar in the middle of the mole, lol funny question.. Did you know that if you have hair growing out of a mole you shouldnt pluck it or you can cause it to become cancerous

  6. It would hurt a LOT, bleed significantly, and there's a really high risk of infection afterwards. Bad idea!

    Moles have a really good blood supply, so don't do it. Plus, the scar it leaves would probably look worse than the mole. See if you can get it removed surgically, by a professional.

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