
What happens if my gas bill gets paid a day late?

by  |  earlier

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I pay my bills online, and because of an address change with Columbia Gas, my bank is saying that it's going to take TWO days instead of the usual ONE day to get there. This is going to cause my bill to be paid one day late. Do I need to call them? Or is one day late overlooked? I'm so embarrassed....I do NOT pay my bills late.




  1. You usually get a 5 to 7 day grace period on your utilities.  They won't turn off your gas don't worry.

  2. I believe that you will be alright without an issue, but just to be considerate and timely, I would call your Gas Company and let them know exactly what transpired. Then at least you have a good chance of them telling you that they will waive any late charge. They usually do that for people with good records. Good luck.

  3. make sure you let them now or something

    becuz my sister didnt pay bills often nd she was on this plan nd one time she was late they cut her off the plab nd she had to pay 2000 bucks or something. but dont worry if you usually pay your bills on time then 1 day late shouldnt really matter

  4. Just ring them and let them know what is happening, i'm sure being one day late is not going to be a big deal to them.

  5. Usually there is a grace period of about 5 days, so you shouldn't worry.  If you called, I don't think that the person that you would talk to would actually do anything, like attaching a note to your file.

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