
What happens if ppl get caught with weed?

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What happens if a person gets caught with an oz of weed trying to get on a airplane? The person wants to strap it on his legs think he will get caught and if he does what kind of trouble will this person be in




  1. Big trouble. First, there are local laws. In most states that is possession or something similar. In certain states an ounce is enough to be charged with intent to distribute. Then, if the flight was going out of state, the person would be charged with trafficking, which is a federal crime.

    Not really worth it for an ounce.

    That being said, a good friend of mine somehow had the balls to stick an ounce of some seriously dank tree down his pants and stroll through security. He made it through LAX security fine, and wasn't harassed by drug dogs on either end. I have no idea how, because as soon as he walked into my apartment I could smell it on him. I'm not saying this person should do it, just that I know it's been done before.

  2. Well, first you'll probably be arrested -- and you'll miss your flight. That would suck. You may catch a break and get a summons instead, but even if that happens, most states will still hit you with a penalty for carrying even that small amount. Usually for an ounce of marijuana it can range from 0-1 year in jail and $1000 fine. That's the standard penalty, although some states can be a bit more harsh (if you had the book thrown at you in Nevada, for instance, you could get 0-6 years in jail and a $2,000 fine).

    Link below will give you a breakdown of Pot weights, laws and penalties if you're busted.  

  3. He/she will promptly be arrested and charged with possession.

  4. Airport security is looking to arrest people these days. Don't do it. Don't do drugs. Get a job, stop living off your parents and finish college. Contribute to society. Society needs bright smart people, not pot heads.

  5. NOT a good idea.  Besides missing his flight he'd be in a lot of trouble.  A lot of airports use drug dogs and they would smell it in a heartbeat.  The amount of trouble would depend on where he was at the time - different countries, states, etc. have different laws.

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