
What happens if someone dies on the plane while in flight?

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Do they have like an area where they would keep the body until the plane lands?




  1. Providing its not the pilot, nothing gets done

    except cover them with a blanket.

  2. It happened to me once, we just landed at the nearest airport, and the body and his luggage was removed and we then carried on the journey. A bit surreal really!!

  3. About ten years ago my uncle flew from Heathrow to Singapore and a man opposite him 'popped his cloggs!', the crew just left him there and told my uncle (who informed cabin crew to check the guys pulse!) not to mention to other passengers as it may upset them, I suppose it just looked like he was sleeping. But anyway my uncle got upgraded to first class...which was good in a way but not so good for the old man!!

  4. There is no single answer to this question.  Each airline has its own policy regarding "apparent death" onboard an aircraft.  I say "apparent" because only a physician can legally pronounce someone dead (not flight crews).  Even if a Dr. is onboard, airlines do not like to have anyone pronounced dead while a flight is in progress since it opens up the possibility of having the aircraft quarantined upon landing and pulled out of service.  This can be a very expensive proposition.  Generally, flight crews are trained to continue life saving procedures as long as physically possible without endangering themselves, the lives of other passengers and crewmembers, and the continued safety of the flight.  As far as a designated area for the deceased, in short no, there is no one particular area assigned for this purpose.  It would all depend upon the type of aircraft, length of the flight, passenger load, specific airline procedures, nearest airport, etc.  Normally  the goal is to provide the effected passenger and family as much privacy as possible.

  5. It's at the discretion of the captain and crew as to what happens and different airlines deal with it in different ways.

    Some clear seats in econ and lay the departed down and cover with a blanket. Some use the overhead bins and some long haul airlines have purpose built cupboards!

    Generally, the planes won't divert due to a death on board as it would cause further stress to travellers and cost the deceased family a lot to have them flown home.

    there were 17 deaths on planes in 2006, which given the amount of people that fly, is miniscule.



  6. lol @ rotter!

    It was in the newspaper not that long ago that they'd just put the person in a body bag and kept him there. It was in th paper because the man had asked for compensation because they wouldn't let him move seats. I don't blame him. Would YOU want to be sat next to a rotting corps for your journey?


  7. ya more food for everybody els

  8. Don't mean to scare ya... but truth is, should that ever happen.....  the engine drops out and everyone is doomed to h**l

  9. They would obv move the person to the back or something, on long haul flights the cabin crew have a part of the plane where they can sleep so they might go there and then the plane will make an emergency landing.

  10. I am with Rotter on this one, no room for sentimentality, nothing whiffs  or irritates other passengers like a dead body in an enclosed place, descend to a safe height, open the doors and bung the irritating bugger out, (hopefully not over Smythe Hall)

  11. the capt of that flight would make a diversion to the nearest airport allowed to land at and the body would be placed into a seat unfortunately even if on the floor would need to be placed into seat ... until landed ..

    but on long haul flights there is a room that can be used to place the body of the person till the flight lands

  12. If your flying Rotter Airways we just pop you over the side of the Proppellatron with a hearty farewell. Then ransack your luggage. Tip top.

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