
What happens if someone lies abt workin with FBI

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i knwo one lady who lives in the USA, she is not resident or green card holder of the USA.

she is kind of feminist and keeps telling ppl that she have worked for FBI for 7 years and she can get in and out of the country without goin through visa works. She keeps on fileing case on ppl who she dont likes. Profesionally she owns a beauty parlor. her speciality is she shapes the eyeborws..

it really gets my Nerve that she lies and is very egoist...

am i being too Judgemental?

and is it felony to lie about working of FBI?




  1. i think you need to move on with your life and ignore her.  she's sad, and after attention.  i highly doubt she's filing police reports without probable cause.  no station would take her seriously.  she'd be labeled a Signal 20 (mentally disturbed), and ignored.  filing false police reports is a crime.

  2. I worked with Ronald Reagan....  lol  That could mean so many things!  Claiming anything is one thing but actually impersonating an officer or agent for gain is an entirely different thing.  If we put people in jail who said that they were in the CIA or FBI, then the entire homeless population in Venice Beach would be in jail. lol  Seriously, if she were telling anything remotely true, she would not be 'bragging' about it in the least.  That means she is a snitch and would probably get killed by whomever mafia is in charge in her home country.  A good point though, anyone who crosses into this country and fills out that stupid questionaire, could very well say that they worked for the FBI or Coast Guard, Border Patrol or whomever they see fit if they wished and still be somewhat honest if they answered 'those' questions.  But at any rate, take what she says with a grain of salt.  Not a big deal or any deal at all.  

    If you want to though, you could file a complaint at the FBI's website...  If they deem it worth looking into, they might just give her the scare of her life and maybe she would shut-up...

  3. Maybe she got in big trouble and had to work for them because if she refused... well, u don't refuse the FBI....  

  4. Maybe she used to shape J. Edgar Hoover's eyebrows.  

  5. It is certainly against the law to impersonate any law enforcement agent.  If she is keeping files on people as if she is investigating them, that could be harassment.

    You may want to call the local FBI office and just let them know.  They may need to investigate her.

    If you are a customer of her and don't need to deal with her, don't.

  6. is she just says it, that falls under free speech. if she acts like one, arrests or claims to be one and gets treated or something like one, thats impersonating an officer and thats a crime.

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