
What happens if someone violates his probation?

by Guest10893  |  earlier

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I'm curious, because I suspect my nephew will do so. He got 8 months for making fake ID's, after that he gets house arrest, but he's far too cocky to abide by the house arrest for long. He currently lives in VA.




  1. they will get put back in jail like if you get a ticket for speeding they search  your name on the computer and they will arrest you

  2. There are some states, Missouri among them, where a parole violation can, at the discretion of the courts, add an additional year to your time.

  3. go to jail and finish his time in there

  4. Chances are, he'll head back to jail to finish out his probation in jail.

  5. It depends on the PO, the conditions of release, the mood of the presiding judge, the weather, etc. etc.  At worst, you go back to jail to server your term.  But since most prison systems are incredibly overcrowded, the threat is pretty empty.  That's probably why he feels so cocky about it, and unfortunately he's probably right--they'll slap him on the wrist and let him go again, and again, and again.  Until we stop putting too many people away for non-violent crimes and reduce overcrowding, probation will continue to be a joke and be laughed at.

  6. ususally he goes back to jail. that is the general rule.

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