
What happens if the President Elect is assassinated before being sworn in?

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Should a President Elect become ill or assassinated after winning the general election but before being sworn into office, who would step into the oval office?

Would the sitting President enforce some sort of 'emergency powers' to wrangle control, or would the Speaker of the House, or the running mate of the President Elect become the President of the United States?

This may garner some serious debate!




  1. the vice president would take over.

  2. The Vice-President-elect would be sworn in as President and the Speaker would be sworn in as Vice-President. No debate necessary - it's the law.

  3. There is nothing in the constitution requiring the state electors to vote for anyone. 2 states have laws concerning this but for the most part the electors could choose anyone they choose. when the Electoral College meets at the 50

    state capitols and Washington DC ,in Mid December,and an assassination had taken place it would be entirely up to them,

    no pressure from their political party---right, to pick who they

    choose. They COULD pick the Vice presidential candidiate

    but they are under NO LEGAL OBLIGATION.  Read the 12th

    amendment. If you are the Vice presidential candidate you

    run as the Vice president. As for succession, what sucession? You cannot succeeed until you are sworn in and no one has even been elected yet.

    So the Electors may act as Independent agents and select

    any Constitutionally qualified citizen.

       1. 35 years old or older

       2. Native Born

       3. Live in the USA for 14 years.

  4. VP elect gets the prize

  5. "If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President."

    20th Amendment

    As far as the Speaker of the House becoming V.P., that is incorrect.  The Speaker becomes Acting President if both the Presidency and Vice Presidency are vacant at the same time... but in this case, the Vice President-elect would become President and then nominate someone for V.P.

  6. Hello,

    If any US president elect is assassinated, his or her running mate, will be the appointed president. Until the first term expires.

    That is the role of the Vice President in such extraordinary circumstances.

    Let us hope that scenario does not befall any of our current presidential candidates!



  7. There is nothing addressing this in the constitution and there is no precedent for this. My assumption would be it would go to the vice-president elect because he was elected on the ticket with the president.

  8. 20th amendment section 3 states if the president dies before taking the oath of office then the vice president elect becomes the president and is sworn in on election day. He would then pick a vice president and the Senate would confirm his choice.

    There is no procedure in place for the current president to remain in office.

    This shouldn't garner very much in the way of a debate since the answer is in black and white in the Constitution already.

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