
What happens if the idiots in Israel attack Iran

by Guest67263  |  earlier

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Jerusalem will be a glass bowl if it attacks Iran.




  1. Disaster.

    Israel doesn't have enough firepower to destroy all of Iran's military, so a partial attack would only enrage the Iranians.  They (the Iranians) could, and probably would, counter-attack against Israel with missiles and increase support to Hisbolla.

    If the U.S. were to decide to get in on the fun, the Iranians could attack the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf, attack merchant shipping in the gulf and  increase support for insurgents in Iraq.  

    The Iranians could completely shut off shipment of oil through the Persian Gulf!  The price of oil would skyrocket.

    The s**+'ites in Iraq would (correctly) see the whole thing as an attempt to destroy Iran.  They could become enflamed and attack the U.S. Army that are currently their allies.  It's possible that the entire U.S. Army in Iraq could be destroyed or captured by the insurgents in conjuntion with the legal government of Iraq.

  2. It will stop the idiots in Iran from getting Nukes. Which is a good thing.

    Read my links below and get into the head of your buddy Ahmadinajad.

  3. If the 'idiots' in Israel attack Iran it will be because those 'maniacs' have their hands on,or about to get, nuke weapons.    What do you want, idiots or maniacs.  I'll go for the idiots in Israel.  

  4. Israel will suffer defeat and it will help to wipe israel from face of the earth.

  5. We, the true Americans, will side with Israel, and help to remove another terrorist nation [ Iran ] from the map.  No matter how you try to bend the facts, Israel is in the right, and the terrorist muslim countries are going to lose.  Get over it.

  6. The Lords our Shepard says the Psalm but just in case we better get a bomb!

  7. A better question might be

    What happens when the idiots in Iran attack Israel????

    That is what Ahmenijad has basically promised to do - and the ONLY way he could have any chance at success is with nukes.  What you fail to realize is that war in the Middle East is going to happen, sooner or later.  Who fires the first missile and for what reason is all that is left to the guessing.  I am betting Israel will not wait for a nuclear equipped missile to hit Jerusalem before they protect themselves.

  8. The same thing that happened when Israel attacked Iraq many years ago, and when Israel attacked Syria some time ago:  NOTHING.  Iran is nothing but Stone Age desert with grandeur delusions.


    The United Arab Emirates, which is by far more powerful than Iran, wont let the cukoos in Iran to close the Strait of Hormuz which will jeopardize their multibillionaire tourism industry....

  9. I think if they do it or if anyone does it they better do it good! They can't afford mistakes, everyone will suffer economically.

  10. Let see  ...........

    There will be a really big boom, followed by a lot of Arabic yelling followed by threats and suicide bombers -- Muslim will be all over the media telling the world that Jerusalem is sacred and the mosques have to be protected , then the Iranians will start saying all they ever wanted was an energy source as their oil reserves are low - the UN will buy that and negoiate a resolution and peace will be a productive as it is right now.

  11. Masive retaliation by Iran. Straits of Hormuz closed. Oil goes to $500 a barrel. America gets drawn in.

    Nobody wins, everybody loses. Potential for a major expansion of the conflict.

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