
What happens if they find me working illegal (i am only 14 and i am working at a store )

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what happens

do i have to pay anything for breaking the rule ... any tip wood be good




  1. You will be tried in the International Courts for war criminals!

    LOL! Seriously, no one will find out. Don't worry. If they did find out, no one would care.  

  2. That is punishable by instant decapitation.

    No, I'm only joking.  Don't worry about it.  

  3. Don't worry about it.  That law is in place to protect children from being exploited by unscrupulous employers.  If you are happy working, which many young people don't like to do, and your parents know about it and don't object, then enjoy!!

  4. your doomed.

  5. You can work.  Just get a work permit.  You are able to once you are 14.

    If you get caught illegally working- the employer gets in trouble. Best bet to protect you both is get the permit.  You fill out one part, your doctors signs saying you are okay to work, no health concerns, and the lawyer holds it and signs.  

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