
What happens if they mail you a failure to respond to jury duty?

by Guest58217  |  earlier

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I have never received a jury summons and today I got a Failure to respond to a jury duty summons card and it said to call as soon as possible to discuss why I never responded.




  1. Just tell them you never received it.

    PS - they will stop sending them eventually

  2. Call them and tell them.  Otherwise, you'll be in Contempt of Court and could go to jail.

  3. I believe they have your old address in their records just call them and explain your situation,don't worry about it and take care!!

  4. Yep, you can be held in contempt of court if you don't call ASAP.  When you do call, they'll probably just put your name back in the jury pool & you may get summonsed again - if you call ASAP.  But, if you put off calling, it's going to be a very hard sell to make anyone believe you did not get the original jury duty notice and then you can be held in contempt of court and when one is held in contempt of court, the judge can pretty much do anything he or she wants in terms of fines and jail time.  Never tick off a judge.  There are journalists who were held in contempt of court for refusing to reveal sources who spent years in jail.  The normal limits judges have don't apply when they impose sentence for contempt.  And, remember, if you are found in contempt, it's the judge who is sentencing you and his world that you have shown contempt for and that judge is going to take it very personally and try to impress upon you that you must take this stuff seriously.

    The answerer who said just keep ignoring them & they'll go away is way wrong.  I know because I worked for a judge.  They can put you in jail.

  5. I heard that Mexico is a sanctuary country for breakers, better git

  6. it's against the law to not go, you could be fined.

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