
What happens if they press charges?

by  |  earlier

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OK i worked at a 7eleven and i stole ciggs and scratch off lotto tickets. Stupid ******* me. and well of course i got cought cuz i kept on doing it like a dumbass..anyways they are going to press charges....its less than $300...what will heppen to me. i have never been in trouble with the law ever in my life....




  1. just what the other guys said, fine and community service

  2. you'll have to pay or jail hopefully

  3. You'll problably get fired then fined. Sorry Dude

  4. that was really dumb even for a guy who works a 7eleven

  5. dont cry like a girl, its unbecomming.  If you did something and now you have consequences, just be a man and accept it.  I know men who are facing 25 years for ****, so dont be a puss.

    Besides it sounds like some real petty charge, perhaps petit larceny.  A misdemeanor which generally is childsplay.  First timers get off with a wrist slap.

  6. Well, $300.00 dollars is a "felony."

    That will be on your record "all your life."

    Just because you have never been in trouble with the law.

    Means you have never been caught before.

  7. dont steal from the place you work what were u thinking

    hopefuly u go to jail, jobs wont take you, with criminal record, well done hope it waas worth it dumb ***

  8. ok fair enough you were a dumbass and you wont do it again you'll pay the fine and you will be put on file in some police department if you ever do anything serious they could use that incident to make their case stronger you will never be able to become a police officer (that's irish law but might also refere to you aswel)

    oh and if you don't pay the fine it could lead from 18 to 30 dayz in prison or 20hrs community service

  9. Your lucky you got caught when you did, because i had done something similar, except it was more like $30,000 over six months, and I got 16 months and a ton of fines.

  10. You regret keep doing it....that's how you got caught.  Geezers, you should regret doing anything like that the FIRST time, whether you got caught or not!  Now its up to the owners to decide your fate.  What a foolish error.....its ALWAYS cheaper to buy than to steal!  And as the saying goes:  Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!  You seriously need to rethink your personal morals and try to figure out how to regain some of the integrity and character you so sadly forfeited by acting so corruptly.  This one mistake can potentially affect your future in several adverse ways too, re future  employment, bond-ability, and the likes of these.  Not to mention being rewarded with a shiny new record!  Get real and grow up!

  11. u will probably have 2 pay them the money and have maybe a week's probation

  12. u will get jail but hey look at the bright side you will get a 1000 pound  grant wen u get out  so dont worry

  13. youll probably get a fine and have to do some community service

  14. You should start practicing for prison s*x now.  You will eventually get used to the pain.

  15. you'll get a criminal record for one thing.not sure how you yanks are but i doubt you'll end up in jail.

  16. get a way. they have cameras and they know!

  17. just don't think to much about it if you do that it will eat ya up

  18. I hate the law, any ways get a lawyer that doesn't suck to bad. NOT MINE.

    She sucks to much.

    try for diversion because you have never been stupid before. or

    Plea barggen down to a simple crime. good luck

  19. dont believe jail time is anything to worry about. unlikely

  20. you will have to pay a fine... and perhaps do community service. If you talk honestly to the district attny. maybe he/she could give you advice or even suggest what you can do to not have to be in real deep trouble.

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