
What happens if two 100% identical magnets were pushed against each other?

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What happens if the two magnets are absolutely identical, symmetrical to one another and all, and you push them against one another?

Will you be unable to push to them further against each other past a certain point?




  1. seeing you need a N / S to attract, if you have IDENTICAL magnets, 2 Norths, they'll repel each other so...

    its not that hard to touch identical magnets together.

  2. yes you would  be unable to

  3. Theres always going to be resistance if they are exactly the same. Thats what magnets do. If you are strong enough to overpower the strength of the two magnets, then yes, you probably could push them further past a certain point.  

  4. Depends on magnet strengh of magnets Refrigerator magnet yes even by hand Computer magnets no

  5. Depends, same poles pointed at each other? same as every other magnet, it'll repel. if you have the different poles, it'll attract.

    Same with every magnet, all have poles to attract and the same two poles repel. (+ & +) (- & -)

  6. no its possible as long as the force you are applying is stronger than the force of repel from the magnets

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