
What happens if u don't step on home plate?

by  |  earlier

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let's say a runner makes it safely past home plate but doesn't step on it. the umpire sees it and the runner knows it. no1 else knows, just those two. can the umpire say something? what if the runner doesn't go back and touch, but instead just walks into the dugout?




  1. If no one notices, it's a run. If someone on the other team noticed they can tag the runner and he's out. If the runner is already in the dugout and the other team knows he missed the base the fielding team can appeal and touch homeplate. Tthe runner is then out.

    Like I said though, if no one notices it's a run.

  2. Ususally if a runner knows he miss the bag he would go back.

    they have to tag runner before getting into dugout once he in the dugout

    they got to appeal if they dont appeal the run will count

  3. The umpire takes note of the player but is not allowed to say anything to either team...for there to be an appeal, the opposing team must notice it and then step on the plate with the ball in hand before the next pitch.

    So if the opposing team doesnt notice it and the player steps into the dugout, then its a run.

  4. If he walks back to the dugout and the ump still hasn't made a call, someone on the other team will notice and touch home plate and the runner will be out.  The umpire won't tell anyone, but he also will not make a call.  If they ignore it and pitch, well, i don't know the answer then... I am guessing it will count as a run...

  5. the other team has to appeal the call. then the ump will say he didn't touch it and he would be out.

  6. The umpire is not to say anything to anybody. It's up to the defense to appeal the infraction. If the defense fails to do so before the next pitch or play after continuous action, the run stands.

  7. Well my friend in the rare occasion that the other teams catcher was to stupid enough not to notice and the person who crossed the plate didn't complete the task realizing he didn't touch the plate the umpire can't say anything but he also can't call him safe either. Since the umpire didn't call him safe it is up to the other team to make the play by throwing the ball to the catcher and calling him out on a force play or actually touching the player by having the umpire ask him to come out of the dugout if it wasn't a force play. his all must happen before the next pitch is thrown or regardless of the fact the run scores.  It is a rare occasion that this would ever happen since the player who didn't touch the plate generally knows this and touches it anyway. They will rarely know it and just say forget it. I hope that helps.

  8. if the other team dose not notice and do not say anything(appeal the call to the umpire) the run will count. If they do notice they can appeal it by getting the ball to the catcher and then he must step on home plate for the out.

  9. It happens all the times. You honesty just need to get close most times not even touch it. Its pretty chill.

  10. the other team has to appeal it otherwise it a run umpire can not say anything

  11. he would be out but that is kinda dumb

  12. IF the runner doesnt go back to touch it and goes back into the dugout hes automatically called out, because he left the circle of dirt around the plate.  There are certain areas which a runner cannot run past such as the baseline when traveling from base to base.  If he does so, then he is automatically called out.

  13. The umpire makes no call. The defending team has to either tag him out before he touches home, or if he goes to the dugout,the defending team has to appeal that he missed home before the next pitch. If the appeal is successful he is out and no run scored. If they do no appeal, the run counts and no out is recorded.

  14. I have had this happen before in a game of mine. If the runner doesn't touch the plate but the umpire and runner are the only ones that know, he's safe unless before the next pitch you go and tag him. If he's in the dugout you can run into the dugout and tag him and he'll be out. When the runner missed home plate in my game I was the catcher and I noticed. I kept telling my pitcher to throw me the ball but he was stupid and didn't. The runner then realized, came back out from the dugout and touched home plate to be safe. So if no one knows he missed the plate exept him and the umpire, he's safe.

  15. depends on the umpire

  16. If he doesn't step on home plate and instead just goes back to the dugout, no call will be made until there is a tag or he touches home.

  17. The umpire should not make any call at all.  If the runner goes in the dugout he can not come back and touch the plate.  However he is not out unless the defensive team makes a legal appeal before the next pitch is thrown.

    I would hope that if just the umpire and the runner know he didn't touch the plate that the runner would go back and touch it.

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