
What happens if u drink water after eating a pear?

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plzz tell me wat happens if u drink water after eating fruits?

bcoz in my family they say u shouldnt drink water after eating fruits

plzz dont give rude answers




  1. I don't know why they told you this because nothing will happen! I do it all the time. Maybe they told you this because it will fill your bladder faster and make you need to go. Did they tell you to NEVER do it, or just for one occasion when you were in a situation that wouldn't allow you to go to the bathroom?

    But ultimately, nothing bad will come of you eating fruit and drinking water.

    This sounds like when someone told me not to drink carbonated drinks and eat a Mentos. They said MythBusters said when you put them together, the plastic bottle would explode and so would my stomach. Do you think it actually happened? NO!! And, yes, I WAS scared to do it, but got over it eventually. And everything turned out fine!

    And so will you if you combine fruit and water in your body!

  2. I'm really trying not to be rude but what do you think happens? The water and fruit go through the appropriate channels of digestion and your body uses some of it and sends the other through your waste system.

  3. I can't imagine why anyone would possibly say that!  Drink water to your heart's (or thirst's) content, it will have no adverse effects whatsoever!

  4. I certainly don't understand why you shouldn't drink water after eating fruit.  There's nothing wrong with that that I can tell, unless there's some kind of bizarre cultural or religious thing going on there.  You'll be fine physically.  It won't hurt you.  

    It's healthier to eat the fruit and drink water, instead of drinking fruit juice.  The order shouldn't matter.

  5. You won't be thirsty ...... absolutely nothing happens.  I can't imagine why they'd say that

  6. Not a thing.

  7. nothing happens and i don't get why your family tells you that

  8. technically you are not supposed to drink anything with a meal, 20 minutes before a meal or up to 2 hours after a meal.

    The water or drink dilutes your stomach acids and makes it take longer to digest your food.  So instead of stomach digestion taking 4-6 hours, the time can double if you drink too much fluid.

    I don't have a source I learned it in upper level bio classes in college.

  9. then you won`t be thirsty

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