
What happens if u get a Misdemeanor?

by Guest34080  |  earlier

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If someone gets charged with a misdemeanor/ felony (1, in his whole life) will it affect the chances that someone has to get into a university? What about getting a job? My friend got charged with a misdemeanor when he was about 16, and he asked me to do some research. He wants to become a Biochemical Engineer, and again he is just wondering if his misdemeanor will affect his chances of getting into a good university/ Getting a job. Anyone know any information? Please guys i really need a lot of help, thanks for your time.




  1. A misdemeanor while a juvenile will not affect his chances of going to a good university, but he will need to behave himself.  A felony on the otherhand will follow him for the rest of his life.

  2. You go to jail for 20 years. Wow! I think you just set a record! Nine questions in a row about the same thing under two different identities! Was loosing 45 points worth it??

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