
What happens if we DO conserve energy?

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what happens if we DO conserve energy? is it good for the enviroment and for humans? =\




  1. I think conserve energy is certainly good for our environment. Such as turn on our air conditioner as little as possible, try to use power save electric bulbs,  drive a smaller engine car, try to use car pool to work and back home, and try to take the buses as much as possible.However, it far better to ban the fossil fuel, Bunker fuel and diesel fuel. According to the May 16, 2008, Hong Kong Magazine, the article has written by John Robertson, namely "Our green dream in Hong Kong.". And why they won't come true. It mentioned that the Hong Kong two fossil fuel power generating stations of coal fired power generators contributing to 40% of Hong Kong black sky. The chairman of Hong Kong Clear the Air, Christian Masset decleared that 53% of Hong Kong air pollution is generated locally. There are many articles saying that Hong Kong is the most polluted city in this world by Tim Flannary and Christine Loh (Civic Exchange executive officer of Hong Kong). Hong Kong has a car flow capacity of greater than 400 cars per km. Many public vehicles are still using the outdated Europe 1 or Europe2 engines which is atleast five years lack behind the European countries. What's more? According to the latest information released by the LI Ka Shing medical Centre, University of Hong Kong, indicating there were more than 10 million clinical visits in 2007 for the treatment of air pollution affected asthma, heart and lungs. Professor A Hedley of University of Hong Kong tried to make presentation about local air's impact on health. Professor didn't get any support by the Hong Kong government and Donald Tsang Yum-kuen, the chief executive. It is noted that there are about three thousand citizens are dead each year is caused by foul air in Hong Kong.

    I think conserve the energy is our initial step to protect our environment. Never do anything just like the god d**n Hong Kong government who ignore the importance of clean air to our lives.

  2. It leads to less burning of fossil fuels.

    Less burning of fossil fuels means that there will be less Carbon dioxide released into the air.

    That means a decrease in the "green house effect"

    That means solar heat can be released back out of earths atmoshpere :)

    Go Earth!

  3. ok first off I'd like to address a few of the comments about the price of energy and water... Other than a few cents here and there to keep people from turning on them as fast prices will never go down. Items that companies know you will buy no matter how much they are such as gas & water will only get more expensive and continue to do so. Any money saved is done so by you conserving and so you are buying less. Of course that also means the company that has workers (not to mention the owner) who always want to make more and more money will start to bring in less money. They have to make that up so they raise the prices. Now they would have raised the prices eventually no matter what simply because workers want raises and benefits that increase every year. Mainly the prices go up because the water companies know they have you by the ba... well lets just say they know they've got a hold on you. Where else are you going to get your water? Oil companies see they better make their money now before everyone goes green and buys electric cars. Of course unless you have your own alternative energy source and make your own electricity the same companies still have a hold on you. The only way out is to figure out how to break away otherwise just get use to paying more and more and more...

    Now to answer to the question at hand. Your answer is already stated above - conserving energy lessens pollution. It takes resources and energy to make anything. It also takes resources to make energy. As already stated by the comments here most energy is created by burning fossil fuels which pollutes our air. i would add that the remained of the energy is mostly created by the nuclear power plants. And yes they do not put the carbons into the air like burning coal does which is why some say nuclear power is clean.  HOWEVER nuclear being clean is simply a half truth. I wont get into the fossil fuels they use to run them which is odd being a power plant themselves but whatever.  I will mention though that Nuclear power plants DO create nuclear WASTE that no one has any idea what to do with other than store it in tanks all over the country h**l.. all over the world. They sit waiting for someone to find a place (like that mountain they wanted to use) to hide the waste (out of sight out of mind) for the ten thousand or so years it will take (a far as they can guess) until it cools. Plus there is the ever growing amount of radiation that has been detected in our water. It can not be filtered out or removed, as of yet.

    Hey kids lets go hiking on nuclear mountain, dont forget to bring the radiation water. You dont want to get dehydrated.


    So we conserve energy to at least slow down the poisoning of ourselves and our planet with pollution and radiation while we make the slow change to actual clean energy.

  4. The price would go down.  It's the law of supply and demand.

  5. you will have more energy

  6. I hope it isn't what happened in Raleigh NC area because of the drought :)

    People conserved so much water, they raised the water pricing rates because the demand was so low....   go figure!!

    Conserve more = pay more????

    OPEC is saying the oil prices are so HIGH because the demand is low!!!!!

  7. to make energy, people burn fossil fuels and that pollutes.

    if you do conserve energy, people won't need to burn more fossil fuels and this help the earth .

  8. If you use up everything you have you have nothing.Conservation is key.

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