
What happens if we don't change our overuse of energy habits?

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What happens if we don't change our overuse of energy habits?




  1. Since most of energy sources are natural and mostly non renewable they will finish if we continue with overuse habits. That is simply the end of the earth by our own hands..

  2. it is really quite simplewe life without it     or not

  3. It's not the end of earth, it's the end of humankind. The earth was there before us, the earth will be there afterwards.

    All the fossil fuels are stored energy from the sun to the earth from millions of years ago, so ultimately, it can make it again. Us, on the other hand, will kill ourselves off before we know it.

    At this minute of the day, I'm very pessimistic about humanity surviving. Even if we stop buying new cars, or stop driving all together, world climate is still going to increase. We have to include sectors like housing, utilities, policies, agriculture, etc.

    The ice caps will melt, everyone in the coastal regions (which is mostly where people live), will be flooded, and we'll move inward. It'll keep doing this until we get flooded altogether, and possibly only a few left living on mountains? Haha reminds of the movie, "waterworld".

    But seriously, I don't think we'll stop. We already have trash in the middle of the ocean

    We're not going to clean that up.

    People at this point are still not doing renewables, we have only less than 3% in America. Those policies that state "we'll change by 2050", well, by that time it's too late. And people always change their terms in office before finishing the job, so the last person by 2050 will have too little time to do anything.

    People won't do anything against their lifestyle, by human nature, unless they have experienced a catastrophe. Those people in New Orleans are reconstructing a greener city.

    All in all, we won't change. It'll be too late. I've lost hope in humanity. I can only do the best I can to save what we've got.

  4. Several things happen -

    1. The price of energy keeps rising.

    2. The cost of food and basic necessities keeps rising because of the price of energy and energy related products.

    3. The earth's atmosphere gets more polluted.

    4. Global warming raises sea levels and sea temperature, causing climate changes and rendering unhabitable large areas of low lying land.

    5. Environmental damage from energy production changes the balance of nature, with unpredictable consequences.

    Eventually a balance will be established. Price increase will make energy and basic necessities unavailable to all but the wealthy. Pollution, climate change, flooding, and starvation will limit population growth, and mother nature will rebalance herself to an environment with far fewer plant and animal species.

    Whether this is good or bad news, depends upon your ethical viewpoint and your position in society. If you happen to live in an affluent nation, and have reasonable credit, you will be able to afford higher energy prices and your lifestyle and habits needn't be overly affected.

    On the other hand, if you live in a third world country and you don't happen to be exceptionally rich or powerful, you and your children are dead.

    The only alternative scenario for the majority of the world's population in this unfortunate situation is to rebel and fight the rich and powerful, whether they be their own leaders or other nations. At least they then have a chance of being one of the lucky survivors.

    Perhaps that's why the worlds rich nations need such large defence budgets, and such imaginative propaganda machines to describe the world's underpriviliged?

  5. Survival of the fittest.

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