
What happens if you're caught buying marijuana or smoking it?

by  |  earlier

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my brother just got caught idk by who but he works and it was his lunch break and he got caught and i know he smokes weed.. so i know he got caught by a cop or something, what can hapen?




  1. if your caught buying it and its over the misdemeanor amount you might just get charged with the misdemeanor if you can prove that it was just for your own personal use.if your caught smoking weed and they find over (i think) 40 grams on him its a felony

  2. He can be charged with possession of marijuana.  Possession is a misdemeanor in every state.  While jail is an option, normally it will result in a fine.  Some states also suspend your driver's license for a period of time.

  3. Depends on several things, one being how much he had on him...if just a small amount then he will get a ticket for possession....

  4. It's a misdemeanor.  All misdemeanors are up to the officer.  He can choose to let you off with a warning, cite you, or arrest you.

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