
What happens if you're clearing the deck of ice and accidently hit a shark in the head?

by  |  earlier

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I mean hit the shark in the head with a chunk of ice.




  1. If it is pretty big it might kill him. if its mediu size or smaller he would probably swim away in pain and never come back to that area. Just try not to do that again though.

  2. Well, you are the 'prafesser' aren't you? Saw an answer of yours, and that was your backup.

    I'd apologize to him, and hope he continues on his way.

  3. I think that it would be considered animal cruelty to animals and you would be tried in King Neptune's court.

  4. The shark learns not to loiter near iced up boats.

  5. I don't know, you tell me. Try it and get back to me.

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