
What happens if you O.D. on Ibuprofen??

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It says take one pill every 4-6 hours, but what if you take 3 or 4 at once, but ONLY once?




  1. usually, if you are going to have any reaction, you will feel nausea.....extreme nausea, or pains in your stomach. make sure you eat something or drink milk.

    it wont damge your liver by taking too many this one just makes you feel sick. I did it one time, when i was in alot of pain, took more than dr said, and just didnt feel too good for a while.

  2. you'll be fine- its like the ibruprofen a doctor prescribes, you know- extra strength?  but if you take a whole bottle, you'l burn a whole in your stomach and get ulcers or maybe youre liver will give. but you really can take like up to five pills at a time with probably a mild stomach ache

  3. 1. DONT TRY TO OD ON ANYTHING!!!!!!!!

    2. it is very very hard to do that. three or four pills will not be an overdose. Rx ibuprofen(i cant spell sry) can be as much as 1000mg, that's five doses.

    You would have to take a lot

    but, like most drugs, would effect your liver and digestive system

  4. ummmm....u die

  5. NSAIDS are not as bad as acetaminophen, but you shouldn't try to OD on anything.

  6. You will pass out and maybe die, just like any other drug.  It doesn't matter if it's over-the-counter or not.

  7. It can damage your liver.

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