
What happens if you are caught by the exam board on your coursework if you have done plagrisim what will ?

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what does the exam board do if you have only done it once? and it was a mistake and you did not know please help thanks




  1. How much was plagiarised? At AS level you MAY get some consideration. Your teacher should have picked up on this before it went to the exam board.

    consequences can be

    a) nothing

    b) work downgraded

    c) work disqualified

    d) all AS exams disqualified

    e) All students at your school / college get their work down graded.

    f) All students at your school / college get their work down graded and all work the following year gone through with a fine tooth comb.

    If it is the odd sentence then you should be OK.

  2. i want to know that too. i gave a classmate my work to look at and he changed it only a little bit and handed it in as his own, and when i got my certificates through i had failed that subject, not sure if i will be able to go back this year or not

  3. There is no excuse for plagiarism at all - right from the start of my uni course it was emphasised that plagiarism was very serious. Plagiarism is easy to avoid - just reference everything!!  We even had to reference our own work if we referred to other essays, and the handouts given to us by lecturers!

    I was doing the write up for a piece of group work once, and I gave one lad his work back twice to redo because it was full of obvious plagiarism, at the end I accepted it, but also wrote in my evaluation that I knew his work wasn't up to standard, that I'd asked him to redo it and had included the revised work, but wasn't happy with it, and he got into trouble, but the rest of the group didn't, because we'd pointed out that the work wasn't acceptable.

    The penalties ranged from being failed on that module - meaning that you had to resit the assignments and the exams, to being expelled from the uni, depending on how bad the plagiarism was.

  4. Ohhhh, not good. The word "Titanic" comes to mind. Probably they would disqualify you, about the rest I don't know because they take plagiarism really seriously and it all depends on the decision that they reach.

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