
What happens if you are on bail and don't turn up in court for sentencing?

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Do they still give the sentence? Would it be a longer sentence because of not turning up?





    The answer is YES.

  2. Longer sentence plus they will catch up with you and throw the book at you....

  3. The bail is revoked.  You have to pay the full amount and don't get it back.  A fugitive warrant is issued.  Jumping bail is a crime, so time gets added to the sentence.

  4. someone looses there house & you get more time  

  5. If you were bailed and failed to turn up for sentencing, then an immediate warrant for your arrest would be in place.

    This would then result in you receiving a harsher penalty than would have been originally given.

  6. Yeah it probably would be longer.

  7. You get nicked & the court will take a dim view & probably remand you in custody so it doesn't pay to p**s them off.

  8. The term is "bail jumper".

    They send bounty hunters after you, if you live in America - bail enforcement officers in England.

  9. Yes longer and  come round and arrest you,,,  

  10. They will still sentence you in your absence and issue a warrant for your arrest, you will most certainly get a bigger sentence for failing to turn up. Your chance of bail in the future, if you break the law again will be affected too. You will be a risk of failing to surrender to bail also.

  11. One is a warrant for arrest, and the other is violation of the bail (meaning the bondsman will come after him).

    Not a good idea at all.  

  12. You will have a Failure to Appear warrant and you will have two court dates to show up to and they will probably less lenient towards you unless you turn yourself in and be honest about why you were not there.

  13. yes you would receive a longer sentence, you would also get a warrant issued for your arrest, and when finally caught you would be held on remand until sentencing, you wouldn't get a second chance of receiving bail incase you done a runner again.

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