What happens if you call 911 to report an incapacitated driver?
Is that grounds enough for the other driver's arrest or getting a ticket?
Can I get in trouble if I'm mistaken and the person was simply texting or crying hysterically and therefore driving insanely for those reasons? Shouldn't that also be taken into account as incapacitated driving?
Here is what happened: A few days ago I called 911 to report the license plate, location and vehicle make and model. The car was swerving into oncoming traffic, oftentimes driving down the midline straddling halfway into oncoming traffic. They would frequently come to a sudden, grinding halt at every intersection, frequently right in the middle, regardless of whether they had a red or green light. They were drunk, high, both, or crazy. I followed them and answered the 911 dispatcher's questions but after a few minutes I had to turn off the road to get to my destination. The 911 person had already pinpointed the errant driver's location and I hung up, satisfied.
But I just want to know what happens next. I suppose the police had no obligation to notify me if they caught the person and what happened next, but I'm curious. I know that they went after them, and I didn't get in any trouble or get any positive feedback either; was my report be proof enough to get the person in trouble?