
What happens if you cut off all the leaves of a plant?

by  |  earlier

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please answer me as soon as possible....this is for my investigatory project...can you answers me with full details?




  1. Leafs will start growing if the plant is healthy with enough energy else it wil die...

  2. This happens every time a forage field is cut for hay or mob grazed.  So it is a fairly common occurrence.

    This activity will send biochemical keys (aka hormones) to initiate growth in other meristematic tissues.  Total nonstructural carbohydrates will be moved from the storage sites (roots, rhizomes, stolons, etc), be used for new growth until the new leaves have reached photosynthetic maturity (not senescence) and begin shuttling TNC's back to the root.

  3. You're cutting off the power supply of the plant.

    If there are enough energy reserves within the plant,

    then the plant will try to grow new leaves to photosynthesise


    If not, it dies.....


  4. you get a naked Bush.

    which is every girl's dream. woo.

  5. cutting off the leaves of a plant will cause shortage of energy. plant will be malnourished for a period of time until new leaves grown. cutting all leaves means, cutting the energy cycle of a plant. since leaves collect carbon dioxide with sunlight energy and a small amount of H20 to form the photosynthetic process of plant. by means of photosynthetic process plants makes food or energy in order to grow faster.

  6. It becomes a leafless plant but not for long as like hair, it will start growing leaves again!

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