
What happens if you don't have a date, friends, or someone to go to the prom with (in high school)?

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  1. ......u get a jar of mayonnaise

    haha what do you think? thats right nothing happens

    im 17 i just started senior  year....i can tell you im not going to prom

    even tho i have some friends

  2. you will find someone who is like you iand have no one to dance with in the prom

  3. lonley?

  4. You could go alone and have the time of your life by rocking the dance floor. Ask someone who you know isn't going and that might change their mind. Or skip the prom and attend an 18 & over club if you have one in your area. I agree with Bob that the prom is overrated and not going to prom won't significantly change your life in anyway unless of course someone got pregnant on prom night.

  5. just go to the prom solo, but if you're not having fun, leave early

  6. If you have cousins around your age, you should ask them to introduce you to their friends, or  your friend's friends.

    Prom isnt all that anyways.. I would just save my money.

  7. Try to find a date at the prom or invite someone you know or someone over.  Or don't go, create your own prom.  THere will be many more important events in your life than prom, and proms many times over.

  8. Your Answer:

    I didn't have a date. My boyfriend wouldn't go.

    I made sure I looked really hot anyway and I went by myself and had fun - then I dumped my boyfriend.

  9. Well, my first prom that I went to, I was single and didn't really want to find a date. Originally, I was not even going to go. But then my friend talked me into going.. so I was going to go alone, but then I just decided to bring one of my best friends who was from another school ((and she was a girl, not a guy)) and we all just hung out and had fun all night.

  10. Go with a group of friends. I did and we had a blast! You still get to dress up, dance, enjoy each others' company and no date drama.

  11. u have it solo thats all

  12. Find friendships online.

  13. you make the best with what you DO have

    pls answer;...

  14. I guess you don't go, right?

    Your real question is "if I have no friends, how do I get a date to the prom"?  Correct?

    Best way to get a date is go ask someone.

  15. Then it's a bit lonely... =[

  16. Find a church to get involved with. It will improve your life.  

  17. Don't bother going. It's a overrated school dance and won't make a difference in your life. It's stupid to blow all your money on this one event if your friends aren't going to be there. I don't even know what's this whole deal with the prom kind and queen. It's another pointless popularity contest.

  18. Go anyway, show your independant and don't need a date to have a good time.

    Try and find some other people who are not going with a date and hang out with them, even if they are not your friends, just try and tag along, you might really get along!?

  19. I got all dressed up a went anyway. I met this pretty girl named Sherri, she also was there but her date stood her up.

    We got to talking danced went to my dads car drank some whiskey I stoled from my dad. We had a great time.  

    I have been married to Sherri know for 13teen years. We have two 13teen year old girls and a 4year old boy. We are as happy now as we were then.

    My point is: Get all decked out and have fun. I promise you if you don't go... it will always be in the back of your mind!

  20. try to make some friends....prom is amazing. find people to make the memories with!

  21. go alone , you will remember it your entire life

  22. You just go stag.  it's not such a no no anymore.  It's better than going with your out of town cousin.

  23. Go with your dad. Or just sum up the courage and ask someone. surely somebody will go with you. no matter how dorky. its better than being alone.

  24.                                                                                                               You become part of an ever growing crowd of people.But tomorrow will come just the way it did today !

  25. then you should stay home. honestly, why spend all that money on a dress and shoes when it is an event for couples and friends?

  26. then you might feel lonley but trust me i`m in high school myself sometimes boys and friends are messy buisness i fall out with mine because i have to study and all i get in shouted at, but i`m guessing your feeling low and people arnt attracted to someone who is constantly down try concentrating on whats good in your life even if its only tiny like you made your first cake without burning it the positive atitudes rubs off and people find you attractive to be around as friends and sometimes more x  

  27. U start putting out and get all of the above!

  28. you should go in have fun there's no telling what may happen but what ever you do don't feel sorry for yourself because this is someone else lose. you should go in be as happy as you can in have the time of your life because the only person you really need is you to have a great time i missed half my prom because i didn't have a date but when i got there it didn't matter because i was not alone in i had the night of my life in when i left i had new friends thats how i meet my best friend in my boy friend in we have been together four years now.  

  29. then you stay home by yourself and don't go...

    but, prom sucks floppy donkey wang anyways

  30. You either go alone or don't go.  The prom is way overrated anyway.  

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