
What happens if you don't pay a parking ticket?

by  |  earlier

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How much time do you have to pay a parking ticket? It was for parking in a handicap parking, and can you make payments on that ? This is my second ticket in about 4 years that i have been driving.




  1. I can't believe some of the dumb answers that you are getting. In the city where I was a police officer, If you didn't pay your parking tickets, a city ord. violation warrent would be issued. This was a petty offense, punishable by fine only.  it didn't matter if the police ran your license plate number or not.  The waarant had your address on it and the officer could simply go your house and arrest you.  Keep in mind these warrants were so petty that often times the officer would simply tell you to come to the PD with the fine indicated on the warrant and 99% of the time the person would.  It all comes down to attitude.  If you were to come across like a complete jerk, the officer could  take you away in handcuffs and that would just be unnecessary for you and him/her.

  2. As noted above, the penalties vary from state to state. In Ohio, you wont be allowed to renew your tags or your driver's license while any tickets are outstanding. There is also additional fines for not paying on time.

    Best advice (since you didnt mention what state this occured in) is to call issuing department for the ticket and ask if payments can be made and ask them how much time is allowed for you to take care of this. You can also contact the Clerk of Courts for the same info if it is any easier.

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

  3. u go to jail, then the cops rape u!

  4. If you keep not paying tickets one day you will come back to your car and it will be gone, towed away.  Or it may have a boot on it (can't drive away) or you may be denied renewal of your driver's license.  You need to look up the rules in the town you get the tickets in.

    How many can you get away with before you get hosed?  Only one way to find out.  Keep getting the tickets.

  5. Nothing will happen as long as they don't run your licnese then they could haul you to jail until you paid up the fines and late charge (extra fines) or loss of driving privledges until you paid up...ask for at the Court..they may take your Master Card or Visa..or a payment plan as government needs your money ..for the library

  6. here in florida if you dont pay your ticket your licence gets suspended

  7. All depends on where you live and who issued the ticket.

    We need more info to answer that even half wat accurately.

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