
What happens if you don't treat a hernia?

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My husband has had a hernia for at least 6 months now & he doesn't have sick leave so he doesn't want to go to the Doctor. What will happen if he continues to not get treated?




  1. Fatty tissue may develop in the area where the muscle should be producing nasty pain, and depending on where the hernia is situated, vomiting.

    As long as the muscle can be gently pushed back into the sheath there is no cause for alarm.  I have one for over thirty  

    Still going strong.

  2. I've had two and didn't hesitate to treat either quickly. He can wear a truss, which is like a belt with an inverted cup to push on the hernia and ease the pain and pressure. If the hernia {which is a tear in the muscle wall} opens and some intestine sticks through several things can happen {none good}. The intestine can become blocked or pinched resulting in many problems, the worst of which may be gangrene. Somehow, get this repaired, for his and your peace of mind.

  3. Hi

    Hernias can be done by key-hole surgery and you can be in and out in a day with a brief recovery. He could take a weeks holiday. I had mine the usual way and I was still in only a day and back to near normal within a week altho I couldnt lift much for 6 weeks. As long as it can't get "strangulated" which is life threatening a hernia just becomes really gross looking but you can get a girdle thing to hold it in. Only a doctor can assess the risk so he would need to be checked out

  4. Anything from nothing at all to complete intestinal prolapse.  Depends on a lot of factors.

  5. He needs to have the doctor keep a close eye on it to make sure it doesn't become strangulated.  The doctor does a procedure called "reducing a hernia," in layman's terms, pushing it back in to it's proper position.  Until he can have it repaired, he should avoid heavy lifting.  Wishing him good luck.

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