
What happens if you drop an Atomic Bomb into a Catastrophic Volcano?

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What happens if you drop an Atomic Bomb into a Catastrophic Volcano?




  1. you better be wearing 2 million sunblock

  2. My guess is that it would set off the explosives that are needed to set off an atomic explosion prematurely.  This would render the atomic bomb to a small detonation (chemical and not nuclear) or at most as a dud with partial detonation of nuclear material.  An atomic bomb is fired very precisely and if interfere with this timing even slightly, it won't work

  3. Bad things.

  4. Molten atomic particals in the lava will transmit signals to other volcanos in the same geologic terrane and a series of every-larger eruptions would commence.  This would cause a cataclysimic chain reaaction of other uranium atoms that are associted wth lava and the whole group of volcanos would go nuclear.

    I plan on getting a lawn chair and a brewsky to watch the show.

  5. you would get a really big explosion

  6. I think it would seal it up and the volcanic lava would come out some place else.  Good question.

  7. I agree with jim z--there would be a non-nuclear explosion if the heat didn't melt all the components first.  If the volcano erupts shortly after this, the ash cloud would also be radioactive, depending upon what was used in the nuclear device.

  8. It would blow up

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