
What happens if you eat plastic?

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i ate one of those pizzas you get from the stores and i left the plastic on there and it melted and i ate the whole anything gonna happen?




  1. Hard to believe, but it would most likely stick to your lungs. Check it out. I don't really believe you though.

  2. It will probably end up in your blood stream that's what happen to me when i accidentally ate teflon from a pan but it won't kill you.I'm surprised you didn't taste something funny when you ate it..

  3. you will be verry sick and could choke on it

  4. Tomorrow you will c**p plastic...

  5. You should be alright as long as you didn't eat a lot of plastic, but I wouldn't make a habit of it. Maybe you'll p**p it in capsules, like pills.

  6. Alright calm down!

    You are gonna be okay! Ya might experience some cramps or A little bit of Diahria ( I know it is spelled wrong). Just don' t worry you will be fine. But next time make sure to take the plastic off! Lol!

  7. Since your body will not know how to digest plastic, it will just end up in the toilet after a few hours.

    It's kind of like people who smuggle objects (gems, keys, etc.) by swallowing them.

  8. Lol. Wow. You might get diarrhea or something. (:

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