
What happens if you fail the math a 2008 regents?

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i failed it what happens now? do i have 2 go 2 summer skool or can i just take it again n jan?? o yeah wat if i dont take it can i still get my advanced regents dipolma??wat if i got a 98 on my spanish regents??will that help in anyway???lol plz help me!!




  1. OK.

    You failed Math A regents, doesn't necessarily refers of failing your class. If you were doing good in your math class. If you were doing POOR in math class & also failed the regents, then that's a issue there. You should speak with your teacher about this.

    You can retake the regents this AUGUST.

    You have 3 chances to take the regents a year.

    January,June,August. Those 3 months.

    You need to take the Math A & B regents order to receive Advanced Regents Diploma. (Part of the requirements)

    Receiving a 98 on your spanish regents doesn't have to do anything with other regents. Just itself it's for spanish. So, it wont help.

    Just retake your math regents this august, and actually STUDY. speak with your teacher. GOODLUCK.

  2. its ok don't sweat it take it over in august or june. math isn't one of your strong subjects but its fine. you'll do great next time

  3. you'll only have to go to summer school if when they average your year grade with the grade you got on the exam. And if you passed after that then you can just take it again in august. If you don't pass the maht A you cant get your advanced regents you need that to get it. and no the 98 on spanish isnt really going to help at all it just means you passed that test.

  4. for the first part of your question it depends on the teacher. some teachers if you fail theyll fail you in the class and you have to go to summer school, or take the class over next year. but some teachers still let you pass. you probably wont get the advanced regents diploma because i think you need an 85 average of all your regents to get that. it also wouldn't make sense if you got it because how can you get the advanced regent diploma if you failed the math regents? i hope your teacher passes you though because my teacher said hes failing us and we go to summer school if we fail. good luck

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