
What happens if you get a ticket in CA by CHP with Speeding (97in65MPH) and no evidence of current insurance?

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I just got pulled over an hour coming back from a show in Irvine and I was less than a mile away from my place when I got pulled over for going 97 MPH in a 65 zone. Yeah I know stupid but my question is what will happen and how much is it going to cost? I do have insurance but I was not able to find my insurance card at the time because this is my first ticket. I have had a clean record with from 5/12/2006 and get hit with this thing. I usually don't even drive that fast with gas prices so high it was a very stupid thing to do.




  1. you'll have to prove that you had insurance the ticket will be lowered after you go to court but make sure you pay it cuz they are quick to take someones l's!

  2. You're screwed.  My friend got pulled over for the same thing WITH insurance and got fined $900.  Also, your insurance will be higher.

  3. take proof of insurance to court and they will drop that charge.  as for 97 in a 65, expect several hundred dollars (less than $500).  thank the cop, he probably let you slide.  3 more mph and you would be looking at something much more serious.  lucky you weren't in florida.  they now put people in jail for that sort of infraction.

  4. you are screwed. your insurance policy is going to skyrocket.

  5. If you show evidence that you were insured at the time of the ticket, that will be dismissed.  

    However, the speeding ticket is going to cost you. I'm assuming you were cited for 22349(a), going more than 26 mph over 65.  The ticket, with fees, will be $380.  

    You may not be able to get traffic school for that amount of speed, but it couldn't hurt to ask.  It would save you a huge amount on your insurance.  

  6. Fun, too! You just got caught, that's all. I don't know about California, but here in Texas, 95 mph and over is a felony, no matter how you slice it... sucks. The insurance thing would get your car impounded here. Hmmm. I've always wanted to work on the West Coast...

  7. say good bye to ur lic. and hello to 3hots and a cot

  8. don't drop the soap

  9. dunno

  10. it could be very exspensive, i know as soon as you hit 100mph it becomes a HUGE fine but at 97mph you are going to have a pretty big fine to pay, as far as the insurance, as long as you can prove you have it when you go to court you'll be okay and that part of it should get dropped

  11. all you need to do is go set a court date at the traffic court and then show up the day u have chosen with the proof of insurance it must be valid the day of the ticket then thats be clear(court paper/assentment fee is like ten) but the speeding ticket they'll also lower to around 300 for jsut showing up and thats going to be a point on your record unless u decide to go to traffic school(theres also online classes)$25 bucks,

    and it wont show on your record,.gluck  

  12. LOL! U are too funny. First off, fight it. Even though you are guilty, go to court and tell the judge it was stupid and you dont know what you were thinking and it wont happen again. 99% of the time, a judge will less the fine and points doct. from your license. Im not sure about calf. but you should have grace period, 24-48 hours to go to the police station and prove you have insurance. Plus, if the cop doesn;t show up for court then your case is dropped and you are a free man!

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